[​ ​—​ ​Please​ ​scroll​ ​down​ ​for​ ​English​ ​version​ ​—​ ​]


O vídeo do AzLab#68 “On the shoulders of giants” já está disponível, em versão editada, no canal do YouTube da Rede de Investigação em Azulejo. Se não assistiu em directo, tem agora a oportunidade de ver o vídeo. 


Session overview

The video of the AzLab#68 “On the shoulders of giants” is now available, in an edited version, on the ​​Azulejo Research Network YouTube channel. If you did not watch it live, watch the video now! 


23 de Junho ​​de​ ​2021​ ​|​ 18h00​ [hora de Lisboa – UTC+1] |​ plataforma Zoom [sessão em inglês]


June 23rd, 2021 | 18h00 [Lisbon Time Zone – UTC+1] | via Zoom [session to be held in English]


The original printed edition of Kirschbaum’s classic lexicon on Christian iconography (LCI) contained circa 2,500 black & white illustrations. For the digital version of the lexicon a little over half of these could be replaced by better quality digital images. However, the text of the lexicon mentions thousands of sarcophagi, mosaics, frescoes, manuscript illuminations, panel paintings, stained glass panels, sculptures, engravings and woodcuts, etcetera. Many of those have become available online.

Combining the expert information of the scholars that contributed to the lexicon with the reproductions of the monuments they mentioned, is a major ambition of the editors of the digital LCI. Enriching the information with the multilingual concepts of the Iconclass system is another one.

Demonstrating how the content of the LCI is merged with new digital reproductions and Iconclass concepts is the topic of this contribution.

Hans Brandhorst | editor of Iconclass and Arkyves |


23 de Junho ​​de​ ​2021​ ​|​ 18h00​ [hora de Lisboa – UTC+1] |​ plataforma Zoom [sessão em inglês]

[​ ​—​ ​Please​ ​scroll​ ​down​ ​for​ ​English​ ​version​ ​—​  ​]

Já se inscreveu no AzLab#68?

📩Pode fazê-lo através do Google forms ou por e-mail (indicando nome, endereço de e-mail e profissão/ afiliação) para o endereço redeazulejo@letras.ulisboa.pt.

Esperamos por si!

📌 NOTA 1: Uma vez agendada a sessão, cada participante receberá o link e uma password.

📌 NOTA 2: A sessão será gravada e parcialmente disponibilizada no canal YouTube da Rede de Investigação em Azulejo  


June 23rd, 2021 | 18h00 [Lisbon Time Zone – UTC+1] | via Zoom [session to be held in English]

Have you signed up for AzLab#68?

📩 You can do this through Google forms  or by e-mail to the following address  redeazulejo@letras.ulisboa.pt  including your name, e-mail address and profession/affiliation. 

📌 NOTE 1: The session is scheduled, each participant will receive the link and a password.

📌 NOTE 2: This session will be recorded and partially made available on the YouTube channel of the Azulejo Research Network.