6 de Outubro ​​de​ ​2021​ ​|​ ​18h00​ [hora de Lisboa – UTC+1] ​|​ ​​plataforma Zoom [sessão em inglês]

[​ ​—​ ​Please​ ​scroll​ ​down​ ​for​ ​English​ ​version​ ​—​ ​]

Já se inscreveu para o AzLab#69?

Pode fazê-lo através do Google forms ou por e-mail (indicando nome, endereço de e-mail e profissão/ afiliação) para o endereço redeazulejo@letras.ulisboa.pt

Esperamos por si!

📌 NOTA 1: Uma vez agendada a sessão, cada participante receberá o link e uma password.

📌 NOTA 2: A sessão será gravada e parcialmente disponibilizada no canal YouTube da Rede de Investigação em Azulejo.


October 6th, 2021 | 18h00 [Lisbon Time Zone – UTC+1] | via Zoom [session to be held in English]

Have you signed up for AzLab#69?

You can do this through Google forms or by e-mail to the following address redeazulejo@letras.ulisboa.pt including your name, e-mail address and profession/affiliation. 

📌 NOTE 1: Once the session is scheduled, each participant will receive the link and a password.

📌 NOTE 2: This session will be recorded and partially made available on the YouTube channel of the Azulejo Research Network.


6 de Outubro ​​de​ ​2021​ ​​|​ ​​18h00​ ​[hora de Lisboa – UTC+1] ​|​ ​​plataforma Zoom ​[sessão em inglês]


​October 6th, 2021 ​| ​18h00 [Lisbon Time Zone – UTC+1] ​| ​via Zoom [session to be held in English]


The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam has had a somewhat ambiguous relationship with the collecting and displaying of tiles. Even though tiles were actively collected in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, much of this collection has led a semi-dormant existence in the later 20th and 21st centuries. This lecture gives an overview of the collection and its display history and explores avenues in which it may receive more attention in the future.

​Femke Diercks ​| ​Head of Decorative Arts, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam ​|


6 de Outubro ​​de​ ​2021​ ​|​ ​18h00​ [hora de Lisboa – UTC+1] ​|​ ​​plataforma Zoom [sessão em inglês]


October 6th, 2021 | 18h00 [Lisbon Time Zone – UTC+1] | via Zoom [session to be held in English]

Convidado / Invited speaker:
Femke Diercks [Head of Decorative Arts, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam]

Femke Diercks (1984) is head of Decorative Arts and curator of European Ceramics at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. She’s been with the museum since 2009 and previously worked on the catalogue: Paris 1650-1900. Decorative Arts at the Rijksmuseum. In 2015 she co-curated the Exhibition Asia in Amsterdam. Luxury in the Golden Age with Jan van Campen and Karina Corrigan (Peabody Essex Museum, Salem Mass.) She is currently working on an exhibition about the Dutch interior in the Seventeenth Century and the Delftware collection of the Rijksmuseum.


6 de Outubro ​​de​ ​2021​ ​|​ 18h00[hora de Lisboa – UTC+1]|​ ​​plataforma Zoom [sessão em inglês]

[​ ​—​ ​Please​ ​scroll​ ​down​ ​for​ ​English​ ​version​ ​—​ ​]

Não perca a estreia da nova temporada do AzLab! 

Directamente de Amesterdão, Femke Diercks oferece-nos uma visão geral da colecção de azulejos do Rijksmuseum, chamando a atenção para a sua história, quer do ponto de vista do coleccionismo, quer da forma de exposição no museu, e revelando algumas ideias a explorar futuramente.     

📩 Inscrições através do Google forms ou por e-mail (redeazulejo@letras.ulisboa.pt).

Uma vez agendada a sessão, cada participante receberá o link e uma password.

Femke Diercks [Directora do Departamento de Artes Decorativas do Rijksmuseum]

📌 NOTA: a sessão será gravada e parcialmente disponibilizada no canal YouTube da Rede de Investigação em Azulejo.

📷 Tile Panel with Tulips, anonymous, c. 1600 – c. 1630 | Rijksmuseum [BK-1954-47]


October 6th, 2021 | 18h00 [Lisbon Time Zone – UTC+1] | via Zoom [session to be held in English]

Don’t miss the first session of the new AzLab season!

Directly from Amsterdam, Femke Diercks will bring us an overview of the Rijkmuseum’s tile collection, highlighting its history from the perspectives of collectionism and museum exhibition practices and introducing some ideas for future exploration.

📩 Registration via Google forms or by e-mail (redeazulejo@letras.ulisboa.pt).

Once the session is scheduled, each participant will receive the link and a password.

Invited speaker:
Femke Diercks [Head of Decorative Arts, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam]

📌 NOTE: this session will be recorded and partially made available on the YouTube channel of the Azulejo Research Network.

📷 Tile Panel with Tulips, anonymous, c. 1600 – c. 1630 | Rijksmuseum [BK-1954-47]