9 de Novembro ​​de​ ​2022 ​|​ ​18h00[hora de Lisboa – UTC] ​|​ ​​plataforma Zoom [sessão em  inglês]


November 9th, 2022 | 18h00 [Lisbon Time Zone – UTC] | via Zoom [session to be held in English]

Sobre o projecto Talking.Tiles / About the project Talking.Tiles

Talking.Tiles’ aspiration is to build the awareness and understanding of the tile as a medium and its heritage which spreads around the world. Behind Talking.Tiles stands the design duo Alexander Amir Khan and Eva Brunner. The two textile designers adapt their knowledge of patterns, forms and colors to the tile medium. The creation of collections for specific desires follows from this.

The fascination for tiles builds the cornerstone of Talking.Tiles. Each tile contains its unique characteristics and techniques of the particular culture. Through the deep research of contexts, cultural and historical influences and the visual study, Talking.Tiles provides a holistic exploration of tiles around the world.

+ Info: | 


9 de Novembro ​​de​ ​2022 ​|​ ​18h00[hora de Lisboa – UTC] ​|​ ​​plataforma Zoom [sessão em  inglês]


November 9th, 2022 | 18h00 [Lisbon Time Zone – UTC] | via Zoom [session to be held in English]

Convidados / Invited speakers:
Eva Brunner [Talking.Tiles]
Alexander Amir Khan [Talking.Tiles]

Eva Brunner is a surface designer specialized on textile materials and creating repetitive and placed patterns. Not only textiles but she also designs a wide variety of surfaces. The process of her work plays a main role where she is developing a product from the beginning to the end. Eva creates specific designs for the utilized material and puts her ideas into practice.

Alexander Amir Khan is a surface designer specialized on textile materials and creating repetitive and placed patterns. Alexander does not only apply his knowledge to textiles, but also many more different surfaces and materials. Generating ideas and concepts from the beginning to the end, is a main competence of him. Inspired by Heritage, Craft and Architecture, Alexander fuses old and new with his contemporary mindset and skills.


9 de Novembro ​​de​ ​2022 ​|​ ​18h00[hora de Lisboa – UTC] ​|​ ​​plataforma Zoom [sessão em  inglês]

[​ ​—​ ​Please​ ​scroll​ ​down​ ​for​ ​English​ ​version​ ​—​ ​]

O AzLab#79 recebe os designers têxteis Eva Brunner e Alexander Amir Khan, cujo fascínio pelo azulejo constitui a pedra angular do projecto Talking.Tiles. Entendendo o azulejo como uma herança patrimonial espalhada pelo mundo, que reflecte as características e técnicas únicas de cada cultura, o Talking.Tiles procura abrir um espaço de conexão entre arquitectos, produtores, artistas, designers e outros interessados no tema Azulejo – “Chamar a atenção para a beleza dos azulejos e deixá-los falar” é o lema do Talking.Tiles.

Nesta sessão, Eva Brunner e Alexander Amir Khan centram a sua apresentação na primeira edição do Tile Festival, que decorreu em Junho de 2022, em Lucerna (Suíça), Oaxaca (México) e online. E é a partir desta experiência que abordam o projecto Talking.Tiles e outras iniciativas que o mesmo comporta, entre as quais a recolha de imagens de azulejos de padrão no mundo inteiro e consequente disponibilização. Será certamente uma sessão a não perder!   

📩 Inscrições através do Google forms ou por e-mail (
Uma vez agendada a sessão, cada participante receberá o link e uma password.

Eva Brunner [Talking.Tiles]
Alexander Amir Khan [Talking.Tiles]

📌 NOTA: a sessão será gravada e parcialmente disponibilizada no canal YouTube da Rede de Investigação em Azulejo.


November 9th, 2022 | 18h00 [Lisbon Time Zone – UTC] | via Zoom [session to be held in English]

AzLab#79 will host the textile designers Eva Brunner and Alexander Amir Khan, whose passion for tiles is the cornerstone of the project Talking.Tiles. By celebrating tiles as an artistic legacy spread throughout the world, reflecting the unique technical features of each culture, Talking.Tiles aims to become a meeting point for architects, producers, artists, designers and all of those interested in this art form. “Drawing Attention to the beauty of tiles and letting them speak” is the motto of this project.

In this session, Eva Brunner and Alexander Amir Khan will talk about the first edition of the Tile Festival, which took place in June 2022 in Lucerne (Switzerland), Oaxaca (Mexico) and online. This experience was the starting point for the project Talking.Tiles and other related initiatives, among which the idea of collecting images of patterned tiles from all over the world and making them available to everyone. In short, a session you will not want to miss!

📩 Please register on Google forms or by e-mail (

Once the session is scheduled, each participant will receive the link and a password.

Invited speakers:
Eva Brunner [Talking.Tiles]
Alexander Amir Khan [Talking.Tiles]

📌 NOTE: This session will be recorded and partially made available on the YouTube channel of the Azulejo Research Network.


[​ —​ ​Please​ ​scroll​ ​down​ ​for​ ​English​ ​version​ ​—​ ​]


O vídeo do AzLab#78 “Novas ferramentas digitais para o estudo do azulejo” já está disponível, em versão editada, no canal do YouTube da Rede de Investigação em Azulejo. Se não assistiu em directo, tem agora a oportunidade de ver o vídeo! 



Session overview

The video of the AzLab#78 “New Digital Tools for the Study of Azulejos” is now available, in an edited version, on the ​​Azulejo Research Network YouTube channel. If you did not watch it live, watch the video now! 


12 de Outubro ​​de​ ​2022 ​|​ ​18h00[hora de Lisboa – UTC+1] ​|​ ​​Museu Nacional do Azulejo e plataforma Zoom [sessão em português]

[​ ​—​ ​Please​ ​scroll​ ​down​ ​for​ ​English​ ​version​ ​—​ ​]

📩 A inscrição continua a ser obrigatória para todos os que pretendam assistir às sessões via Zoom. Pode fazê-lo através do Google forms ou por e-mail (indicando nome, endereço de e-mail e profissão/ afiliação) para o endereço Uma vez agendada a sessão, cada participante receberá o link e uma password.1

Como foi prática do AzLab durante 6 anos, para quem quiser assistir ao vivo não é necessária qualquer inscrição. Todavia, estamos naturalmente limitados à capacidade da sala.

Esperamos por si!



October 12nd, 2022 | 18h00 [Lisbon Time Zone – UTC+1] | Museu Nacional do Azulejo and via Zoom [session to be held in Portuguese]

📩 Registration is still mandatory for those who wish to attend via Zoom. Please register on Google forms or by e-mail ( Once the session is scheduled, each participant will receive a link and a password.

As has been the case for the last 6 years, no preregistration is needed for the in-person sessions. However, attendance is limited to the room capacity.